SOLO (2024) for Behringer 2600 synthesizer Arthur B. Hunkins Soli Deo gloria (S. D. G.) GENERAL SOLO is a live-performance piece for Behringer 2600 synthesizer alone. Essentially it is a reinterpretation of my demo rendition of IMAGO DEI for Csound (my immediately preceding composition). Eight 1/8" mono patchcords are required for performance. Routing to a stereo amplifier or headphones is from a stereo minijack at the 2600's bottom right. SETUP Various points in the Performance Score are indicated on the accompanying three Patch Charts. These are useful for practice purposes, as they periodically document current controller settings. Patch Chart 1 indicates the "Basic Setup," which includes: 1) the layout of the patchcords, 2) the permanent setting of static controls, and 3) the initial setting of variable controls. (The remaining charts only show current settings.) All variable controls are circled for easy reference. (Note: Sliders without level markings are inoperative.) PERFORMANCE The performer's actions are specified in a Performance Score. (Prior to performance, a few tweaks are made to designated presets.) The indicated events are sequential, one control active at a time except where indicated. Slider movement is slow, at a consistent pace/speed chosen by the performer. Nothing is sudden or jerky, except at the single point indicated. Time may be taken between operations as desired. Certain actions are subject to special instructions: e.g., SLOW, STAY. (Here, SLOW means VERY slow. SLOW in parentheses means only SOMEWHAT slower than usual.) The general effect should be of ongoing sonic transformation. Abbreviations found in the score should be self-explanatory. All of them may be easily paired with text on the 2600's front panel. Score instructions follow the following sequence: MODULENAME(underlined) (default)CONTROLNAME (previous-value) --> new-value. Slider values range from 0-1. (Most sliders have markers at 0, .25, .5, .75 and 1. Sliders with other values are directly specified on the Patch Charts) The general dynamic level is moderate. The loudest point occurs just after the beginning of Patch Chart 3. (This point should be loud but not overly so.) A typical rendering of this piece lasts 8 minutes. (This is the duration of the demo performance included on my website.)