ON THE SIXTH DAY (2008) A Trilogy of Sonic Environments for realtime Csound5 Arthur B. Hunkins Then God said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground." God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them, saying: "Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it." And so it happened. God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good. Evening came, and morning followed - the sixth day. Genesis 1: 26-28, 30-31 On the sixth day I was created. God said I was very good. On the sixth day We were created - my friends and I. God said We were very good. On the sixth day my Family was created - my loved ones and I, together with all the other creatures. God said my Family was very good. God saw that everything He made was very good. He was so pleased He decided to take a holiday. To the children of the world GENERAL ON THE SIXTH DAY is a set of three simple performance environments for Csound5. Suitable for any computer platform that runs Csound, each environment is essentially an instrument that suggests an improvizational structure. It is not a composition, and no performance instructions are given; its instrument is simply intended to be explored creatively. As a result of exploration, performance *may* express itself as a composition (though perhaps more properly, as structured improvization). Each succeeding member of the trilogy elaborates the materials of the previous one. ON THE SIXTH DAY will soon appear as a set of Activities specificly designed for children and the OLPC computer (probably under a different title). ENVIRONMENT #3 - Family Sixth-Family takes the 8 or 16 tone colors of Sixth-I and Sixth-We (the latter with both pan and depth control), and projects them onto the first 10 harmonics (partials) of a base pitch - a kind of glorified major or Dom9 chord. Sixth-Family is available in a large number of variants, organized into 5 series: they bear "1" to "4" in their titles, as well as "Simp". "1" uses all 16 tones; the first 8 pot/sliders are randomly preassigned to harmonics 1-10 (minus 4 and 6), and the second 8 to harmonics 1-8. The "Simp" (Simple) series is similar to series "1", but uses only 8 tones (and 8 pots/ sliders) preset to the first 8 harmonics. From the "Simple" series through series "4", each version is slightly more complex and offers greater performance control than the previous one. Series "2" randomly assigns harmonics 1-10 to the 16 tones (a different one on each occurrence), except for tones 15-16, which are limited to the first 8 harmonics. "3" versions are similar to "2", except that harmonics are selected by the performer. (Again, tones 15-16 are limited to harmonics 1-8). Finally, series "4" represents the capstone of the trilogy; it allows, as an option, simultaneous realtime control of harmonic, pan position and depth. More importantly, it moves concurrently between harmonics, pan positions and, optionally, depth (except for tone 1, which remains, unchanging, front and center). There is always a mechanism for returning straightaway to harmonic 1 (again, usually front and center). Tones (pots/sliders) 2-8 select from harmonics 1-10, while associated pan controls (pots/sliders 9-16) move from the previous harmonic to the one newly selected. (Tones 7-8 retain their limit to harmonics 1-8.) Additionally, most series "4" versions pan from the previous pan position to the newly selected one. (Exception: "Simp" members of this series select a single pan position for the two harmonics. They also lack a depth option.) All titles except for those in the "Simp" series optionally vary depth. Depth is usually determined randomly; however, in "D" titles, the performer specifies depth on the fly. The "Alt" designation indicates that the performer determines pan position; otherwise position is random. Where "Alt" is associated with "N" (for Notes), pan position is specified by pressing one of six MIDI Notes (keys/buttons/pads) - instead of via pot/slider. Apart from "ALT", "N" indicates that a set of 10 Notes selects *harmonic* number. (In "Fam3AltN", *both* pan position and harmonics are selected by keys/buttons/ pads [16 total].) In addition, each variant may be performed either on an external MIDI control surface (as described above), or simply on the ASCII keyboard. These ASCII "editions" contain "ASC" in their titles. One other variant is indicated by "ASCF"; this means that the screen offers visual Feedback as to the on/off status of the various tones. (It also displays certain other crucial values.) Use of the "F"eedback versions is recommended, as otherwise it is easy to get lost. (The only drawback is that these versions *may* cause audio breakup. In reality, the *MIDI* versions are slightly less likely to experience audio glitches.) Finally, two Combination ("Comb") versions are also available, both based on the Fam3 series (see below). They do not emulate the Simple (8-tone) versions, but do include user control of Depth (but not Dynamic Depth), otherwise implemented in the Fam4 series. One "Comb" aggregates features of several MIDI controller variants; the other, of various ASCII versions. A parallel set of standalone .exe's is also available - currently (2/09) for Windows only. They were generated by Rory Walsh's Lettuce frontend for Csound5 (http://www.ear.ie/Lettuce.htm). Available along with the .csd versions in a single, large Sixth-Family.zip download (which includes this file), their filenames begin with "L" and end with ".exe" instead of ".csd". (For platforms other than Windows, download Sixth-Family.zip and run only the .csd files.) Whereas Csound5 must be installed to use the Sixth-Family.zip package, another collection, Sixth-FamilySA.zip, is intended for use *when Csound5 is not installed*. (Sixth-FamilySA.zip lacks the .csd versions, but includes necessary Csound files.) Again, this option is Windows only. Ease of use in setup and performance is the chief advantage of the Lettuce .exe's. Note that whereas *all .csd versions must be run from the command line*, standalone Lettuce .exe's need not. See run-time "Instructions" window for further details. Csound5 is a software sound synthesis program available for all major computer platforms. Sixth-Family specifically requires Csound5.02 or above. Free downloads for various systems are found at: http://csound.sourceforge.net. All versions of ON THE SIXTH DAY are stereo only, and do not lend themselves to multi-speaker sound diffusion. There is no suggested duration; performance/improvization files can run for a total of 60 minutes. GENERAL SETUP You will probably need to edit several flags near the beginning of your performance file. (Do this in any text editor; your .csd is a simple text file. In Lettuce .exe versions, this all is accomplished in the performance window: open CsOptions, edit the designated values, and observe the output under View Output.) You must insure that the values of -M0 (your MIDI input device #) and -odac0 (your audio output device #) match your system. Simply substitute a high number, such as -M99 and -odac99, for the zeros and run the file. The performance will immediately stop and display a list of valid device numbers on your system. Once you identify the appropriate numbers, go back and insert them in place of the zeros. This composition should work well with any audio driver type; latency is not an issue. If you are having a problem with stuttering or clicks, be sure to close as many programs running in the background as you can. ASCII versions may produce pops; those with visual Feedback are particularly likely to do so. SPECIFIC SETUP AND PERFORMANCE Performance consists exclusively of manipulating MIDI pots/sliders, and/or pressing ASCII keys. Sixth-Family uses 8 or 16 different tone colors, all playing members of the same harmonic series. In versions using 8 tone colors, 7 additional pots/sliders (or keys/buttons/pads) change the pan position and/or harmonic of these tones. Tone 1, however, is always front- and-center (as well as being the simplest color). The performer fades the tones in and out, usually to full on or off (it is automatically this way with ASCII keys), varying the timings of events and the lengths of the fades. He/she does the same with pan position and depth. Note that it is recommended that you start and end pans in their full on or off positions; otherwise, initial/final placements will not match those of neighboring sonorities (see further below). With regard to setup (<=16 controller versions only): two special controller configurations may be encountered occasionally. (These require adjustment to the defaults either in the performance file itself, or with Lettuce .exe's, similarly in the performance window.) 1) ALL CONTROLLERS USE THE SAME CHANNEL, BUT NOT #1: Locate the line toward the beginning of the performance file - "#define CHAN #1#" (channel 1 is the default). Change the channel number to the one you need (from 2-16) with a text editor. (This revision is active until you change it again, in .csd versions.) Note that the "#" characters around the channel number must remain. 2) EACH CONTROL USES A UNIQUE CHANNEL, BUT WITH (channel volume) CONTROLLER #7: To enable this layout, define CHAN as #0#. All controllers will now be on consecutive channels, starting with channel 1. (In a Lettuce .exe, simply select a channel number of 0.) Note that only 16 controllers can be accommodated here, not 17 or more. Several additional variables are defined toward the beginning of the performance file (or in the performance window of a Lettuce .exe). SRATE equals SampleRATE, for which two options are listed - 44100 is the default. (44100Hz is also the lowest rate possible.) Select the highest rate at which you get click-free, uninterrupted sound. In Lettuce .exe's, SRATE is chosen in the CsOptions window. Depending on the version, the following variables are also active, and must be preset (variables in Lettuce executables have similar names): CTRL1 (2) specifies the initial controller of the first (second) 8-controller bank. These initial bank controllers default to CC20 and 28. CTRL9 indicates whether controller 9 is enabled or disabled (1/0). Default = 0. PANCTRL = CC# of pan controller (default = 7). HARCTRL = CC# of harmonic controller (default = 1 with PANCTRL; otherwise 7). DEPCTRL = CC# of depth controller (default = 7). (Occurs only in Sixth-Fam4AltND.csd, one of the "capstone" versions.) HARM1 determines whether "Harmonic 1 Toggle?" is enabled or disabled (1/0). Default = 0. DEPTH indicates whether depth control is enabled or disabled (1/0). Default = 0. NOTE specifies whether MIDI note trigger is enabled/disabled (1/0). Default = 0. (Only in Sixth-Fam4Alt, where it is an optional feature.) MIDI gives the 1st MIDI note number of a set of 10 (for harmonics) or 6 (for pan position). The default in either case is 60. In Sixth-Fam3AltN.csd, both sets occur, and the two macros are named HARM and PAN. Here, the HARM(onic) default is 60; PAN defaults to MIDI note 70. Prior to running Csound, be sure to turn all pots/sliders to zero. *Only once Csound is started, turn up any pots/sliders to a higher initial level.* If not moved after Csound start, *manually set* values will default to a ("move to") pan position of hard left (0), and full front (0) for depth. (Exception: tone 1 is always front and center.) The default Fade(/Pan) Time for all ASCII versions is 6 seconds. THE VARIOUS VERSIONS Series "1" (16 tones) and "Simple" series (8 tones) - fixed harmonics (L)Sixth-Fam1 - Tones 1-16 are assigned to 16 pots/sliders. Tones 1-8 play, sequentially, harmonics 1-10 (excepting harmonics 4 and 6); tones 9-16 play harmonics 1-8. Random stereo placement (static, per tone); with each instance of a tone, different random placement. Exception: tone 1 is always center position. Random depth option. (L)Sixth-Fam1ASC - Similar to Sixth-Fam1, but with ASCII keys instead of pots/sliders. Tones 1-8 are represented by ASCII keys Q to I, tones 9-16 by ASCII A through K. Pressing a key once starts the tone; a second press stops it. Fade in/out time is set (in seconds) by numeric keys 1-0 (0 = 10). A new fade time takes effect with the following fade (in or out). NOTE: *For all ASCII versions*, pressing ENTER turns all tones off, and returns everything to default settings except for Fade(/Pan) time, which remains as last selected. (L)Sixth-Fam1ASCF - The same as Sixth-Fam1ASC, except that visual Feedback is given for key on/off status (a very useful and recommended feature). Note that this feature *may* cause audio glitches. The Lettuce variant displays this feedback clearly, but the command-line (.csd) version requires explanation. Visual data are given in a single line; on/off status of the 16 tones are listed first, followed by the current fade time (1-10 seconds). (L)Sixth-FamSimp - Same as Sixth-Fam1, but with only 8 tones assigned to 8 pots/sliders. The tones are 1-4 and 13-16 of the set of 16, and they play, sequentially, harmonics 1-8. (L)Sixth-Fam1Alt - Similar to Sixth-Fam1, except requires a 17th pot/slider to determine pan position on the fly. Note that a new (static) pan position takes effect only with the next-instigated tone. Note too that pan position will always default to 0 (hard left) until the pan controller is moved during performance (this applies to all tones except #1, which is always centered). (L)Sixth-Fam1AltASC - Similar to Sixth-Fam1ASC, but with the addition of on- the-fly pan position using ASCII keys Z through N. From left to right, the 6 "pan keys" represent the following positions (hard left = 0): 0, .15, .3, .7, .85 and 1. (Note that tone 1 is always .5.) *This positioning applies to all "AltASC" versions.* As with Sixth-Fam1Alt, a new pan position takes effect only with the next-instigated tone. The initial pan position again normally defaults to 0 (as described in Sixth-Fam1Alt). (L)Sixth-Fam1AltASCF - Same as Sixth-Fam1AltASC, except that visual Feedback is given. Feedback is as described in Sixth-Fam1ASCF, except that (in the .csd version) the current pan position is added to the end of the feedback line (scale of 0 - 1, 0 = hard left). (L)Sixth-FamAltSimp - Same as Sixth-Fam1Alt, except with only 8 tones/ controllers - plus a 9th pot/slider to control pan position. (L)Sixth-Fam1AltN - Similar to Sixth-Fam1Alt, except that the 17th pot/slider is replaced by a set of 6 consecutive MIDI notes (keys/buttons/pads). The pan positions represented by these notes are the same as those for the ASCII keys listed in Sixth-Fam1AltASC. (Note the initial default value of pan position.) (L)Sixth-Fam1AltSimpN - Same as Sixth-Fam1AltN, except with 8 tones (pots/ sliders) instead of 16. (The set of 6 MIDI notes is still required.) Series "2" - 16 tones, random harmonics (L)Sixth-Fam2 - The 16 tones play random harmonics (1-10) which are different each time they are instigated (no immediate repetitions). Exception: tones 15-16 limited to harmonics 1-8, and tone 1 always plays harmonic 1. Random pan position. Random depth option. (L)Sixth-Fam2ASC - Like Sixth-Fam2, except all on the ASCII keyboard. ASCII keys as listed in Sixth-Fam1ASC (including ENTER key). (L)Sixth-Fam2ASCF - Same as Sixth-Fam2ASC, except with visual feedback. Instead of simply giving on/off tone status, feedback lists harmonic number when the tone is on. (Fade time is listed at the end of the line [in .csd versions].) (L)Sixth-Fam2Alt - As in Sixth-Fam2, but with the addition of a 17th pot/ slider to control pan position. A new pan position takes effect only with the next-instigated tone. Tone 1 is always centered. (L)Sixth-Fam2AltASC - Like Sixth-Fam2Alt, except all on the ASCII keyboard. ASCII keys (including position values) as listed in Sixth-Fam1AltASC. (L)Sixth-Fam2AltASCF - Same as Sixth-Fam2AltASC, except with visual feedback. Again, feedback lists harmonic number when the tone is on. Fade time is listed at the end of the line (in .csd versions), but is followed by pan position (0 - 1, with 0 = hard left, as described under Sixth-Fam1AltASC). (L)Sixth-Fam2AltN - As in Sixth-Fam2Alt, but the 17th pot/slider is replaced by a set of 6 consecutive MIDI notes (keys/buttons/pads). The pan positions represented by these notes are the same as those for the ASCII keys listed in Sixth-Fam1AltASC (and the same general conditions apply, including the centered position of tone 1). Series "3" - 16 tones, performer-selected harmonics (L)Sixth-Fam3 - All as in Sixth-Fam2, except that performer specifies harmonics with a 17th controller. Tones 15-16 are automatically limited to harmonics 1-8, and again tone 1 plays harmonic 1. (The harmonic selection, as always, applies to the following tone.) Random pan position. Random depth option. (L)Sixth-Fam3ASC - Like Sixth-Fam3 (or 2), except all on the ASCII keyboard. ASCII keys generally as listed in Sixth-Fam1ASC (including ENTER key), but with harmonics chosen by the bottom row of keys (ASCII "Z" through "/" select harmonics 1-10). If harmonics 9-10 are specified for tones 15-16, these choices revert to harmonics 7-8. (L)Sixth-Fam3ASCF - Same as Sixth-Fam3ASC, except with visual feedback. Feedback lists harmonic number when the tone is on (it displays only with the onset of the new tone). Fade time is listed at the end of the line (in .csd versions). (L)Sixth-Fam3Alt - All as in Sixth-Fam2, except that performer specifies harmonics with a 17th controller as well as pan position with an 18th controller. Tones 15-16 are again auto-limited to harmonics 1-8, and tone 1 always plays harmonic 1. (New harmonic selection and pan position apply to the following tone.) (L)Sixth-Fam3AltASC - Similar to Sixth-Fam3ASC, except than pan position is also controlled on the ASCII keyboard. Keys "O" through "[" and "L" through apostrophe specify the six pan positions described under Sixth-Fam1AltASC. (Again, tone 1 is always at center position.) (L)Sixth-Fam3AltASCF - Same as Sixth-Fam3AltASC, except with visual feedback. Fade time is listed next to last, toward the end of the line (in .csd versions), with pan position (0-1, with 0 = hard left; 0-10 in the Lettuce version) at the very end. (Pan position only displays as the following tone begins.) (L)Sixth-Fam3N - All as in Sixth-Fam3, except that performer specifies harmonics with a series of 10 contiguous MIDI notes, instead of a 17th controller. (Tones 15-16 are auto-limited to harmonics 1-8; tone 1 always plays harmonic 1.) (L)Sixth-Fam3AltN - All as in Sixth-Fam3, except that performer specifies harmonics with a series of 10 contiguous MIDI notes, *and* pan position with a second series of 6 MIDI notes. (The same harmonic limitations apply to tones 15-16.) Note that the two MIDI note series do not need to adjoin one another. This is the *only* version that requires > 10 MIDI notes. (L)Sixth-FamComb - Combines, as options, all features of Sixth-Fam3Alt and Sixth-Fam3N. Also includes $DEPTH (on or off - see Fam4 below) via $DEPCTRL, a controller that specifies depth (reverb) from 0 (none) to .9 (0 to 9 in Lettuce versions). Default for $DEPCTRL is #37. The harmonics ($HARM) options are: regular order (default), random and control via $HARCTRL. Depth ($DEPTH) options are: none (default), random and control via $DEPCTRL. (L)Sixth-FamASCComb - Same generally as Sixth-FamComb, but combining, as options, all features of Sixth-Fam3AltASCF. Also includes user control of depth as detailed in Fam4 below (e.g., Sixth-Fam4NDASC) - *but not Dynamic Depth*. The options for $HARM and $DEPTH are as given in Sixth-FamComb, except that the performer presses specified ASCII keys to determine harmonics and depth instead of turning controllers. Series "4" - 8 tones with panning ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE "RULES" FOR ALL MIDI-BASED SERIES "4" VERSIONS: 1) The associated pan control must be at zero whenever a tone begins. 2) The pan control of the *last initiated tone* must be at max when a new tone enters. 3) These rules do not apply to ASCII variants. (L)Sixth-Fam4Simp - 8 tones (the first and last 4 of the set of 16) assigned to pots/sliders 1-8. Controllers 10-16 are panners associated with tones 2-8. (Tone 1, always centered, does not "pan" in any fashion; thus controller 9 is available for other uses.) Each tone (and each instance of a tone) is assigned a random pan position, and its associated panner moves from the last-selected random harmonic to the new random harmonic (no immediate repeats). So each tone enters on the last-selected harmonic, but at a new pan position, then "fades" to the new harmonic at that same position. Tones 2-8 randomly select from harmonics 1-10, except that tones 7-8 are limited to 1-8. *Note that, throughout the "4" series, pan controls (pots/sliders 10-16) should normally be left either fully off or fully on.* Controller 9, when selected, is normally set to 0; however, when it is raised above 0, it forces the next-selected harmonic to harmonic 1. Harmonic 1 *continues* to be "selected" until controller 9 returns to 0. (Thus controller 9 is normally raised above 0 for only a single harmonic.) No depth option. (L)Sixth-Fam4SimpASC - Similar to Sixth-Fam4Simp, but with ASC keys instead of pots/sliders. The ASCII key setup is identical to Sixth-Fam1ASC. Here the "A" key takes the function of controller 9. Pressing it once turns on the "force to harmonic 1" function; pressing it again turns the function off. Whether or not the "A" key is active depends on the setting of "Harmonic 1 Toggle?" or the HARM1 macro (default = 0/off). No depth option. (L)Sixth-Fam4SimpASCF - Same as Sixth-Fam4SimpASC, but with visual feedback. Note that *in series "4" versions, visual feedback is especially important.* (Otherwise, a performer wishing to keep track of current settings will likely get totally lost.) In the .csd version, the feedback line concludes with the Fade/Pan time followed by the on/off (1/0) state of the "A" key (harmonic 1 toggle). Both of these values are always displayed immediately. Note too that *tone 2-8 visual feedback is handled differently in "4" series variants*. When a tone is on, it will display either the previous (starting) or the new ("moved to") harmonic number. The previous number is expressed as a negative value, the new number as positive. When first on, the tone thus shows a negative number (the old harmonic); when pan moves to full on, the positive (new) number appears. (When/if the panner returns to 0, the negative value reappears.) No depth option. (L)Sixth-Fam4 - Nearly identical to Sixth-Fam4Simp, but with depth option. The main difference, however, is in the way panning functions. Each new tone starts at the *pan position* of the previous tone (which has pan full on), as well as at its harmonic. Then, while panning, it moves to its new harmonic *and pan position*. Controller 9 forces a return to harmonic 1 *in center position* (but not, with depth option, to full front). With depth selected, each tone (and instance) randomly selects a depth level, which remains constant while the tone is sounding. (Again, tone 1 always plays front and center.) (L)Sixth-Fam4ASC - Similar to Sixth-Fam4, but with ASC keys instead of pots/ sliders. (ASCII setup as in Sixth-Fam1ASC.) ASCII "A" (when on) again forces a tone to harmonic 1 in center (but not full front) position. Depth option. (L)Sixth-Fam4ASCF - Same as Sixth-Fam4ASC, but with visual feedback (as discussed under Sixth-Fam4SimpASCF). Note again the special way in which tone feedback is displayed in "4" series variants. In .csd versions, the last randomly selected pan position (expressed as 0-1, with 0 = hard left) is appended to the feedback line. (In Lettuce versions, the range display as 0-10.) It is shown at the onset of the next tone. Depth option. (L)Sixth-Fam4Alt - Same as Sixth-Fam4, except that controller 9 selects pan position for the following tone. Also, one MIDI note (key/button/pad) may be needed - as a toggle to force a return to harmonic 1 (in center position). One press (of ANY key) forces the return; a second press returns to normal operation. Note that the harmonic will remain at 1 until the second key press. Note too, though, that if you don't want the toggle, you don't need the MIDI note. (L)Sixth-Fam4AltASC - Nearly identical to Sixth-Fam4ASC, except that ASCII keys Z through N specify pan position (for next tone). These positions are detailed under Sixth-Fam1AltASC. (L)Sixth-Fam4AltASCF - Identical to Sixth-Fam4AltASC, but with visual feedback. In .csd versions, the last-selected pan position (0-1) is added to the end of the feedback line. It appears immediately upon selection. (In Lettuce versions, range is 0-10.) (L)Sixth-Fam4N - Like Sixth-Fam4, except that harmonics are specified by the performer via a set of 10 consecutive MIDI notes (for harmonics 1-10). For tones 7-8, harmonics are limited to 1-8 ("harmonics" 9-10 are converted to 7 and 8). Controller 9 is not used. The MIDI note (key/button/pad) takes effect with the following tone. (Tone 1 always plays harmonic 1.) (L)Sixth-Fam4NASC - Like Sixth-Fam4ASC, except that harmonics are specified by ASCII keys "Z" through "/" (harmonics 1-10). New harmonics take effect with the following tone. For tones 7-8, harmonics are again constrained to 1-8. ASCII "A" is unused. (Tone 1 always plays harmonic 1.) (L)Sixth-Fam4NASCF - Identical to Sixth-Fam4NASC, but with visual feedback. In .csd variants, the feedback line ends with Fade/Pan time followed by the last harmonic pressed. (Both Fade/Pan time and the new harmonic number are displayed immediately.) (L)Sixth-Fam4AltN - Nearly identical with Sixth-Fam4N, except that controller 9 selects pan position (which takes effect the following tone). discussed under Sixth-Fam4SimpASCF). Note again the special way in which tone (L)Sixth-Fam4AltNASC - Similar to Sixth-Fam4NASC, but with pan positions selected via keys "O" through "[", and "L" through apostrophe (since the bottom row of keys is devoted to harmonics). The positions associated with these 6 keys are listed under Sixth-Fam1AltASC. (Recall that tone 1 is always front and center.) (L)Sixth-Fam4AltNASCF - The same as Sixth-Fam4AltNASC, but with visual feedback. In .csd variants, feedback ends with Fade/Pan time, most recent pan position (0-1), and last harmonic pressed. All these display immediately. (In Lettuce variants, pan position range is expressed as 0-10, 0 = hard left.) The "Capstone" Versions - live control of harmonics, panning and DEPTH NOTE: *The following 6 (or 12) variants of the Sixth-Fam "4" series are the only ones that incorporate on-the-fly control of DEPTH.* (This is indicated by D in their titles.) Here depth control is not optional. Depth and harmonic control always go together. Depth is scaled from 0 to .9, with 0 being full front. Change of Depth is effective with the following tone, and in feedback versions, changes are displayed immediately. (In .csd variants, the last- selected depth is shown at the end of the feedback line.) Tone 1 is always located full front. (Following a tone 1 instance, Depth will remain full front until another selection is made.) Variants with a *double D* in their title (DD) incorporate "*Dynamic* DEPTH control." Here, depth is not static per tone (as is the case with "single D" versions - indeed with the DEPTH option throughout Sixth-Family). Rather, the depth of a new tone begins at that of the last-initiated tone, and "pans" to its new level, similar to the way pan position operates. (L)Sixth-Fam4ND(D) - Like Sixth-Fam4N, except that controller 9 selects depth. (See further above NOTE.) "DD" = Dynamic control of Depth (see above). (L)Sixth-Fam4ND(D)ASC - Like Sixth-Fam4NASC, except that depth is determined by numeric keys 0 through 9, SHIFTED. (These numbers are divided by 10 to get the range of 0 to .9.) The "`" key (to the left of ASCII 1), shifted or not, also selects 0 (= front). "DD" = Dynamic control of Depth. In performance, it is suggested that you use the feedback version immediately below. (L)Sixth-Fam4ND(D)ASCF - Identical to Sixth-Fam4NDASC, but with visual feedback. (See further NOTE above, especially regarding display of depth in the feedback line.) "DD" = Dynamic control of Depth. (L)Sixth-Fam4AltND(D) - Similar to Sixth-Fam4ND, but controller 9 selects pan position, and a 17th controller is required to determine depth. (Otherwise, see NOTE above.) "DD" = Dynamic control of Depth. (L)Sixth-Fam4AltND(D)ASC - Like Sixth-Fam4NDASC, but with pan position chosen by keys "O" through "[" and "L" through apostrophe (see Sixth-Fam4AltNASC and Sixth-Fam1AltASC). Also see the above NOTE. "DD" = Dynamic control of Depth. In performing, you will likely want to use the feedback version below. (L)Sixth-Fam4AltND(D)ASCF - Identical to Sixth-Fam4AltNDASC, except with visual feedback. See above NOTE with respect to display of depth in the feedback line. "DD" = Dynamic control of Depth.